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RUCSVS has grown exponentially making its presence felt across the Twenty Eight states and Nine Union territories, training and certifying many youth by helping and making them employable and self-employable, empowered (RUCSVS) in Skill, Trade & Vocational Training, along with their respective Training Centers & Branches.
The Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies is a non-profit Self Financed Organisation. Established Under ITA 1882 GNCT of Delhi & Inc. under the Legislation of Section 8 Comp. Act 2013, MCA Govt. of India, working for the development of literacy and creating awareness among the masses about Skill, Vocational Education & Science & Technology and striving for their up-liftment in all spheres of the life through it. RUCSVS has Joint Affiliation & Collaboration with many training Organisation.
RUCSVS aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational institutions. RUCSVS has been formed for the common purpose of talent development for the Skill Based Private Sector. RUCSVS is dedicated to meet the demand for skilled workforce in the skill based work industry in India. Ensure sector capacity building for availability of trained and skilled manpower across industry segments and organization levels. Rural Urban Council of Skills and Vocational Studies is not in receipt of any grant-in-aid either from the Government or from any other Council's Department.
Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies is a not-for-profit organisation.
The basic purpose of establishing rural urban skill development and education trust is to provide them better life and make self-reliant by encouraging children in the absence of the children and women in the remote area and by encouraging women and girls with education and employment education.
It will be our priority to educate and educate people by promoting technical education with Indian culture and culture. Because the technical education plays an important role in the human resource development of the country by generating efficient mass power, increasing industrial production and improving the quality of life of the people.
It will be our moral duty to honor the spirit of encouragement and excitement that will contribute to the field of education and technical education.
It is our goal to develop education in the life of those who live in remote hilly areas and to provide technical education and provide them the means of livelihood to connect with the mainstream of the country's development. For this, short term camps will be conducted and training courses will be provided. Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies is a self financed Autonomous Institution. We provide Skills & Vocational Courses Training by Joint Collaboration with many Organisation for the only purpose of Candidate Self Job & Employment.
This is a small step to decide on your participation in Skillful India, but by making a meaningful effort with sincere and transparent thinking, we will continue to make every effort to make it a milestone.
Under the scheme, courses of skill , Aanganwadi, vocational etc. will be run. Under the skill based curriculum, computer operations, DTP, tailoring, handicraft, small scale industries courses will be operated. Also, vocational course- Special attention will be given on health work, social work, community health work, art and crafts etc
Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies will also take on roles of developing the private skill based and vocational education in India. This will be a holistic approach to uplift the overall quality for skill based education in private sector. With the Leveling up of the Private skills based education and training sector standards over the next few years, Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies aims to work with Social Welfare/ Educational private organizations to promote the private skill based education and training in India.
This is a time of Globalization of Skill & Vocational Education. The Indian government is also promoting privatization of education on the pattern of western countries and is also promoting non-government organization to come forward to meet the need of institutions providing job oriented courses and training. Thus, the Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies has taken the decision to fulfill the demand of Skilled Trainees from Multinational Companies, Schools, Govt. or Non Govt. Sectors & other departments etc. The aims of the Rural Urban Council of Skills & Vocational Studies are to overcome the gaps by providing quality modern and affordable Skill & Vocational Education.